Τετάρτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

India Mathematical National Olympiad 2014

1. In a triangle , let be the point on the segment such that . Suppose that the points , and the centroids of triangles and lie on a circle. Prove that
File:Flag of India.svg
2. Let be a natural number. Prove that, 
is even. 
3. Let be natural numbers with . Suppose that the sum of their greatest common divisor and least common multiple is divisble by . Prove that the quotient is at most . When is this quotient exactly equal to .
4. Written on a blackboard is the polynomial . Calvin and Hobbes take turns alternately (starting with Calvin) in the following game. At his turn, Calvin should either increase or decrease the coefficient of by . And at this turn, Hobbes should either increase or decrease the constant coefficient by . Calvin wins if at any point of time the polynomial on the blackboard at that instant has integer roots. Prove that Calvin has a winning stratergy. 
5. In a acute-angled triangle , a point lies on the segment . Let denote the circumcentres of triangles and respectively. Prove that the line joining the circumcentre of triangle and the orthocentre of triangle is parallel to
6. Let be a natural number. Let , and define to be the set of all those elements of which belong to exactly one of and . Show that , where is a collection of subsets of such that for any two distinct elements of of we have . Also find all such collections for which the maximum is attained.

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