A group of 100 friends plans a trip to a remote island to play a new exciting game. Upon arrival each of them will be given one of 199 possible nick-names to use during the game.
Each player will know the nick-name of all the other players, but not her own.
No communication will be possible between the players while they are on the island. However, at the end of the game each player will be asked about her nick-name. Only if at least one player answers correctly, they all will be allowed to return home.
Can they prepare a strategy which will guarantee they can return?
Κάθε παίχτης που απαντά εξαιρεί από τις πιθανές απαντήσεις του τα ψευδώνυμα των 99 που ξέρει και τις λάθος απαντήσεις των άλλων παιχτών που άκουσε προηγουμένως. Έτσι ο 1ος έχει 100 επιλογές, ο 2ος 99, ο 3ος 98, .... και ο 100ός 1. Έτσι στην χειρότερη περίπτωση ο 100ός θα απαντήσει με βεβαιότητα σωστά.