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Δευτέρα 23 Μαΐου 2011

▪ Bosnia Herzegovina Team Selection Test 2011

Ημέρα 1η
1. In triangle it holds . Let and be midpoints of and , and let be the incenter of . Prove that are concyclic.
2. On semicircle, with diameter , are given points and such that: and where are different positive integers. Find minimum possible value of .
3. Numbers are partitioned into two sequences and . Prove that number

is a perfect square.
Ημέρα 2η
1. Find maximum value of number such that for any arrangement of numbers on a circle, we can find three consecutive numbers such their sum bigger or equal than .
2. Let be positive reals such that . Prove that the inequality
3. In quadrilateral sides and aren't parallel. Diagonals and intersect in . and are points on sides and such Prove that if are collinear then is cyclic.

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