Training problem sets
The training problem sets are distributed in the training events, but primarily available through this website. Solutions can be sent as instructed in the problem sheet or they can be brought to the next training event.
Traditionally, the problems are provided in Finnish and Swedish, but at one time we tried to provide English translations as well. These are listed below.
The latest translated problem set
Older problem set
Easier and more challenging problems, September 2014.
Old problems
Finnish National High School Mathematics Competition (FHSMC)
Problem compilation from years 1997-2008. Problems of the final round.
FHSM first round, basic level problems, 2007.
FHSMC first round problems, 2008.
FHSMC first round and final round problems, 2010–11.
FHSMC first round and final round problems, 2011–12.
FHSMC problems and solutions, 2011–12.
FHSMC and NMC problems and solutions, 2014–15.
FHSMC first round problems, 2015.
FHSMC first round problems, 2016.
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