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Κυριακή 26 Μαΐου 2024

The HKUST UG Math Competition, for talended students with a mathematical mind

Co-sponsored by Jane Street Asia Limited, the HKUST UG Math Competition which is opened to HKUST undergraduates has been holding annually since 2013. 
This competition which tests the contestants the ingenuity in mathematics in addition to mathematical knowledge is a very successful event. In every year, over 60 HKUST undergraduates from different schools and different departments participated in the competition. The competition consists of two written tests:
  • Junior Competition: This is restricted to HKUST first and second year undergraduate students. Problems will be drawn from calculus, multivariable and vector calculus, linear algebra, real analysis, and other sources.
  • Senior Competition: This is open to all HKUST undergraduates. Problems can include materials from any undergradate mathematics courses, and other sources.
View past papers here.

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