Τρίτη 30 Ιανουαρίου 2024

These Are the 10 Hardest Math Problems Ever Solved: Trisecting an Angle [9]

The Ancient Greeks wondered about constructing lines and shapes in various ratios, using the tools of an unmarked compass and straightedge
If someone draws an angle on some paper in front of you, and gives you an unmarked ruler, a basic compass, and a pen, it’s possible for you to draw the line that cuts that angle exactly in half. It’s a quick four steps, nicely illustrated like this, and the Greeks knew it two millennia ago.

What eluded them was cutting an angle in thirds. It stayed elusive for literally 15 centuries, with hundreds of attempts in vain to find a construction. It turns out such a construction is impossible.

Modern math students learn the angle trisection problem—and how to prove it’s not possible—in their Galois Theory classes. But, given the aforementioned period of time it took the math world to process Galois’ work, the first proof of the problem was due to another French mathematician, Pierre Wantzel. He published his work in 1837, 16 years after the death of Galois, but nine years before most of Galois’ work was published.

Either way, their insights are similar, casting the construction question into one about properties of certain representative polynomials. Many other ancient construction questions became approachable with these methods, closing off some of the oldest open math questions in history.

So if you ever time-travel to ancient Greece, you can tell them their attempts at the angle trisection problem are futile.
Πηγή: popularmechanics

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