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Πέμπτη 10 Αυγούστου 2023

The Riemann Hypothesis - Jeff Vaaler [Millennium Prize Problem, Official Introduction] [2001]

In May 2000, at the College de France in Paris, The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge Massachusetts (CMI) announced seven "Millennium Prize Problems", designating a 7 million prize fundf or the solution to these problems,with 1 million allocated to each.
The Department of Mathematics is pleased to announce a series of seven general audience evening lectures, "The Millennium Lectures", based on the "Millennium Prize Problems." The aim is to explain to a wide audience the historical background to these problems, why they have resisted many years of serious attempts to solve them, and the roles these problems play in modern mathematics.
The lecture series will run throughout the Spring Semester 2001 on the campus of The University of Texas, and will be given by members of Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science.

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