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Τρίτη 2 Μαΐου 2023

THE GUARDIAN: Did you solve it? Chicken or egg

The answers to today’s puzzles
Earlier today I set you these puzzles, in memory of Ivan Moscovich, the toy and puzzle maestro who died last week. (Click here to find out more about him.)
Here are the puzzles again, with solutions.
1. Chicken and egg
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Solution: The egg.
Trick question? Not really. The type of egg was not specified. And certainly there were eggs (dinosaur eggs, for example) before there were chickens.
2. The last man
Here is the first line of a science fiction story:
“The last man on earth sat alone in his room. Suddenly there was a knock at the door!”
Can you change one word in the above sentence to make the man’s isolation before the knock at the door more complete?

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