1. Robert A. Russell, Inscribed Equilateral Triangles.
2. Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, A new proof of Ptolemy's Theorem.
3. Tran Quang Hung, Some extensions of the Droz-Farny line theorem.
4. Tran Thu Le and Kien Trung Nguyen, The Five Conics Problem.
5. Nguyen Minh Ha and Pham Nam Khanh, Another simple proof of the Goormaghtigh theorem and the generalized Goormaghtigh theorem.
6. Ismail M. Isaev, Yuri N. Maltsev, and Anna S. Monastyreva, On Some Geometric Relations of a Triangle.
7. Hiroshi Okumura, The arbelos in Wasan geometry, problems of Izumiya and Naitō.
8. Paris Pamfilos, Parabolas and families of convex quadrangles.
9. Nikolai Ivanov Beluhov, Erratum to “An Elementary Proof of Lester's Theorem”, Journal of Classical Geometry, 1:53-56, 2012.