Τρίτη 20 Μαΐου 2014

Bosnia Herzegovina Team Selection Test 2014

Day 1 - 10 May 2014
1 Let be the circle and and points on circle which are not diametrically opposite. On minor arc lies point arbitrary point . Let , and be foots of perpendiculars from on chord and tangents of circle in points and . Prove that .
File:Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg
2 Let , and be distinct real numbers.
Determine value of .
Determine value of .
Prove the following ineqaulity
When does eqaulity holds? 
3 Find all nonnegative integer numbers such that .
Day 2 - 11 May 2014

1 Sequence is defined by , for . Determine value of in terms of , where is positive integer. 
2 It is given regular -sided polygon, . How many triangles they are inside the polygon such that all of their sides are formed by diagonals of polygon and their vertices are vertices of polygon? 
3 Let and be foots of altitudes from and of triangle , be intersection point of angle bisector from with side , and , and be circumcenter, center of inscribed circle and orthocenter of triangle , respectively. If , prove that .

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