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Πέμπτη 5 Μαΐου 2011

▪ Vietnam Team Selection Tests 2011

1 A grasshopper rests on the point on the plane. Denote by the origin of coordinates. From that point, it jumps to a certain lattice point under the condition that, if it jumps from a point to then the area of is equal to
Find all the positive integral poijnts which can be covered by the grasshopper after a finite number of steps, starting from
If a point satisfies the above condition, then show that there exists a certain path for the grasshopper to reach from such that the number of jumps does not exceed
2 is a point lying outside a circle . The tangents from drawn to meet the circle at Let be points on the rays respectively such that is tangent to The parallel lines drawn through parallel to respectively meet at respectively.
Show that the straight lines always pass through a fixed point and always pass through a fixed point
Show that is constant.
3 Let be a positive integer There are real numbers that satisfy:

Find the maximum and minimum value of the sum

4 Let be a sequence of integers satisfying and
Prove that
for every natural number
5 Find all positive integers such that is a perfect square.
6 Let be an integer greater than pupils are seated around a round table, each having a certain number of candies (it is possible that some pupils don't have a candy) such that the sum of all the candies they possess is a multiple of They exchange their candies as follows: For each student's candies at first, there is at least a student who has more candies than the student sitting to his/her right side, in which case, the student on the right side is given a candy by that student. After a round of exchanging, if there is at least a student who has candies greater than the right side student, then he/she will give a candy to the next student sitting to his/her right side. Prove that after the exchange of candies is completed (ie, when it reaches equilibrium), all students have the same number of candies.

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