Τετάρτη 26 Οκτωβρίου 2011

▪ The Haberdasher's Puzzle

Henry Dudeney
Πως γίνεται?

Step 01

...the triangular piece of cloth...

Step 02

Bisect AB in D and BC in E; produce the line AE to F...

Step 03

...making EF equal to EB...

Step 04

...bisect AF in G and describe the arc AHF...

Step 05

...produce EB to H, and EH is the length of the side of the required square...

Step 06

...from E with distance EH, describe the arc HJ...

Step 07

...and make JK equal to BE...

Step 08

At this stage, you may erase all the construction lines, retaining only points D, E, J, K.

Step 09

Draw EJ.

Step 10

...from the points D and K drop perpendiculars on EJ at L and M.

Step 11

If you have done this accurately you will now have the required directions for the cuts.


This final drawing summarizes the construction, in the original style.

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